basically, i've nothing to do today, so i'm out trying blogging, never did this before , this is the first time, really dont have anything on my mind, as of now i'm blank as a fresh sheet of paper,open to ideas ,open to life, but how open am i really is the question, funny ain't it? am i open or not ? but what does openess mean?how do u define it ? or how open sould someone be?no clues? open up ur senses , so goes the cliche!! but how can man be open(for that matter wo-man??),i'm not a bottle or a can, that i'm either open or shut , duh!! am i opening a can of worms by being open,or opening my self to worms ,i must be crazy , need some fresh air ,gotta get out to some open space , see ya,& yes please think about openness!! open ur mind to being open!!
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