guess who's back??

By Aju Abraham Thomas
hey everybody
been off the blogosphere for quite sometime now.. And . .
I'm back ...yes , I am .. back ..
for good

for now, check out this new cool website in the middle east!!
And yeah ,I'm gonna be around this time!


By Aju Abraham Thomas
basically, i've nothing to do today, so i'm out trying blogging, never did this before , this is the first time, really dont have anything on my mind, as of now i'm blank as a fresh sheet of paper,open to ideas ,open to life, but how open am i really is the question, funny ain't it? am i open or not ? but what does openess mean?how do u define it ? or how open sould someone be?no clues? open up ur senses , so goes the cliche!! but how can man be open(for that matter wo-man??),i'm not a bottle or a can, that i'm either open or shut , duh!! am i opening a can of worms by being open,or opening my self to worms ,i must be crazy , need some fresh air ,gotta get out to some open space , see ya,& yes please think about openness!! open ur mind to being open!!

The First Time!!!

By Aju Abraham Thomas
There's something about the first time, the first time a child walks, that first day at school(i really didnt enjoy that first!),the first time you rode a bicycle , that first crush, first love, first drive . . .Infact we attach a lot of importance to the first time,thr first time means a lot the first time !!. . Today is the first time i'm posting a blog,SO yet another first added to the never ending lists of first times . .Gosh!! i'm doing this for the first time , guess i should celebrate this first by logging off, bye . . for the first time !!!